Maravilhoso… Vale a pena assistir.
Posted by Paulino R. e Silva | Aug 27, 2017 | Curiosidades, Vídeos | 0 |
Maravilhoso… Vale a pena assistir.
Paulino Rocha e Silva, Brazilian, 45 years old, lawyer and network consultant. Graded in law course and computer system by Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná and Colégio Santa Cruz, in Curitiba, Paraná State, Brazil. His specialty is digital security in legal and technical aspects. Certified by Beckman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law Scholl and by SANS (System Administrators and Network Security). Former president of ABDTI (Associação Brasileira de Direito e T.I.). Runs projects at Directnet, a company inside the FGV-PR incubator, where are developed integrated solutions of public utility. Some of those solutions could be seen at or at Follow me at Contact information: or at .